Thoughts on Computer Science as a discipline
Computing is transforming our society in ways that are never were before in 17th or 18th century. There is hardly any aspects of our life that has not been influenced Digital Technology/ Computers, that's indeed. But There is a mystery out there because of little awareness about Fundamentals of Computers that makes it all possible.
The Reason behind the lack of awareness, appreciation of Computer Science as a discipline is that it is not taught in schools as a subject and not mandatory also. At College level, it is introduced as a subject. The general pattern of teaching is also quite overlooked because most of the schools, colleges teach skills related to use of Software Packages rather than the Studying Heart of Computer Science.
Let me give you an example for explaining the above points
Consider the web-based commerce like or Flipkart or net banking that is only possible because of the ability to send confidential information ( such as credit card numbers or otp or passwords , etc) across the wide open Internet.
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