Search Engines Exercise Chapter 1 Solution
1.1. Think up and write down a small number of queries for a web search engine.Make sure that the queries vary in length (i.e., they are not all one word). Try to specify exactly what information you are looking for in some of the queries.Run these queries on two commercial web search engines and compare the top 10 results for each query by doing relevance judgements. Write a report that answers at least the following questions: What is the precision of the results? What is the overlap between the results for the two search engines? Is one search engine clearly better than the other? If so, by how much? How do short queries perform compared to long queries?
1. Computer Algorithms time complexity
2. Security in computing
3. covid-19 variants
4. Earth atmosphere layers
Web search Engines used Are Google and DuckDuckgo
Top 10 results were highly relevant and some of the results returned were similar in both the search engines.
There were overlapping results founded in both the search engines in which wikipedia was the most common.
I cannot judge the betterness of any search engine by only two factors i.e One by observing the URL and other is by observing the content.
One thing is noticed that is the results were not relevant according to the time period query
Short queries were returning results about the topic of how, what , guide ,etc...
1.2. Site search is another common application of search engines. In this case, search is restricted to the web pages at a given website. Compare site search to web search, vertical search, and enterprise search.
Site search is very different from web search or vertical search or enterprise search.
It involves searching the database of its site only rather than the entire web.
Enterprise search involves searching documents, information relevant to company, marketing strategies, benefits.
Site search does not implement ranking algorithms that intense as it does
Vertical search involves topic oriented restricted search. In contrast, site search has no restriction on this matter.
1.3. Use the Web to find as many examples as you can of open source search engines, information retrieval systems, or related technology. Give a brief description of each search engine and summarize the similarities and differences between them.
1.4. List five web services or sites that you use that appear to use search, not including web search engines. Describe the role of search for that service. Also describe whether the search is based on a database or grep style of matching, or if the search is using some type of ranking. website
These above websites are searching based on database and not a web search.
No ranking algorithm used.
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