Code Grepper : A big help to Programmers/Developers

Source: CodeGrepper

Source: CodeGrepper

Have you ever encountered a situation, where you are programming/developing software in your favorite code editor and you get error/warning that you might not know the solution to it , so you google search instantly by copying the error statement. You also visit various community driven forums for troubleshooting errors but sometimes that also does not help. 
Have you ever thought of a website/software which can answer any error/query/questions instantly by searching throught a large set of database developed by communities of developers.

To all the programmers/developers/coders out in the world, today we have a best in class solution.
I introduce to you all. As the name suggests , it is a browser extension for answering the queries related to Programming languages directly in google search by creating a top section snippet specially for answer.
Its totally free and it is just growing daily supported by hundreds of developers that contributes answers to problems, encountered while programming.
Explore this chrome extension yourselves in detail because self exploration helps individual to understand the topic, try that product , why do you need it , etc. This blog post just introduces you all to this nice extension. I am attaching a youtube video at the end of the blog post and the website. 


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