Data Structures book chapter 3 exercise solutions
1. What are arrays and why are they needed? Arrays are the most important and brilliant piece of development in software area. They are grouped into data structures and its use and implications is very high in programming languages. So what are arrays, Array is also a type of variable just like int, char, float, etc.. but with some changes. Here array has a structure, data structure with a collection of data elements in a structured way of storing it. It holds similar type of data elements. Why are they needed, consider this example. there are 20 students whose marks is to be scanned and printed. So in terms of programming language, we need at least 20 variables to hold 20 students marks, 20 statements or ( 1 statement with 20 variables ) for getting input, 20 print statements for printing marks. Therefore it is really manual, tedious, highly taxing and error prone process. Since this was only 20 students, consider 200, 2000, 20000 or 200000 students data entry job. It is exponent...